Ephesians Prayer
Sermon Discussion | Ephesians Prayer | Paul Miller
1. Read and reflect on the passage Paul taught, Ephesians 3:14-20. What things stick out to you? How is this prayer different or the same as the prayers we offer for others?
2. Paul spoke about the importance of stopping and praying with others. Is this a normal habit for you? If not, what are some obstacles to overcome? Have you had others pray for you in the moment?..how did you feel about that?
3. Paul made the comment that we don't store up faith, it leaks. This implies our faith is being used and that we need to be filled. In what ways do you "spend" your faith? How do you refill?
4. Read Eph. 6:10-13 & 18-20. What is the full armor of God?..How do we "arm" ourselves?...for what purpose? What does it mean that our struggle is not against flesh and blood?
5. Spend some extra time praying together or in smaller groups of 3-4. (Here are a few ideas)
In light of what you've discussed, share your needs with others (faith, hope, healing, wisdom etc.) and pray for one another.
Pray for those who do not yet know the Lord by name.
Take 2-3 mins and be silent before the Lord.
If you feel comfortable or compelled, confess any sin and then pray that God would bring deliverance.
Pray psalm 119:1-8