1 Timothy 2 | Good and Pleasing Prayer
Sermon Discussion | 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Read Isaiah 56:4-7 & Mark 11:15-17 - discuss what you see going in both passages and how they relate to one another.
Brian opened his sermon with these 2 passages and the question he posed was, "How did Jesus respond to the disillusionment of the church?" We see the tension of God's desire for his church in Isaiah and a reality in Mark. How do you think through the disconnect of what we know the church should be and how it's experienced in your personal life? What are some of the hurts people face? How have you seen or experienced the beauty of the church?
What we believe shapes how we live. Do you agree with this statement? Is this true of you? I think there is a hope that our confessional belief aligns with our functional belief, though, sometimes it does not. If we believe the gospel, that Jesus has come and is ushering in his kingdom and reign, and that we get to participate in that work then our lives should reflect the fruits of the spirit. However, we also live in a culture that is content with living outside of Christ's reign. Brian said, there are voices out there that are deforming our lives. What voices are you listening to? Is your time with Jesus proportionate to the time you spend listening to ______?
Where does Jesus want to take us?We have to start with Christ, he has come to save sinners. To save us from our sin and save us to a new life in him. God desires to take us somewhere, not just heaven. What do you think of when you hear the word heaven? Brian told a story about the girl who hoped heaven would be filled with all her desires, can you relate to her? So what does God desire to do with us? Read Col 1:15-23. Brian said Christ is going to put everything right, all things sad will become unsad, there will be shalom, all tribes and nations will be united together with God. This kingdom coming is the direction we should pray, there are places and people that need God now - what/who are they? pray together.
How can we shape our lives towards Christ?Brian made the comment that an elevation of politics, money, influencers etc. are not saviors therefore we cannot allow ourselves to be shaped by them. We also don't want to demonize the culture but pray that God would use those people/places to do his will. We cannot underestimate the power of prayer! Read 1 Tim 2:1-2 - what is Paul asking us to do? What manner should we seek to live in? What are other ways or habits we can lean into to be formed more like Christ?