Denying Jesus | John 18:1-27
Sermon Discussion | John 18:1-27
1. Our passage opens with Judas, the chief priests and Pharisees encountering Jesus. The power Jesus’ words, "I am he", knocks them to the ground (v.6). Why is what he is saying so powerful?...What is he really saying? If you were one of the soldiers, ready to arrest him, what would you think about this? Paul said, "The power of Jesus' words not only counter enemies but releases friends". He uses his power to save his friends, we tend to use power to save ourselves. Have you ever had someone use their power to "save" you?
2. In verse 10 Peter draws his sword and cuts the ear off of Malchus. Peter is ready to go! He wants to see this kingdom Jesus is talking about come, and in Peter's mind, that way is through violence. In that time, if you were going to take over or "bring your kingdom" it was always done by force. How is the coming of Jesus' kingdom different? I think in this moment Malchus gets to experience Jesus' kingdom in the healing of his ear. John doesn't say what Malchus was thinking, how do you think he responded to Jesus?…What could he possibly be thinking about this Jesus?
3. Jesus prays, "Not my will..." and "If there is another way...". We see Jesus wrestling with the Father in prayer and yet he surrenders to the will of the father. Is it difficult for you to wrestle with God?...Can you be honest with him in prayer? Share a time you wrestled with God in prayer. What did that experience do for your faith?
4. Read together verses 18:16-17, 25-27. Peter goes from cutting off ears to denying Jesus, he has guts and yet he's rattled by a little girl. Isn't this the way for all of us at times? Paul said, we all have ways that we deny Jesus, if you're willing to, share how you've seen "Peter" in your own life. Are there certain places or people where you deny Jesus? However, Peter's story ends (really) well which is an encouragement to us and the power of the Holy Spirit! How does the story of Peter resonate with you?