Jesus' Prayer for His Church | John 17:20 - 26
John 17:20-26 | Discussion Questions
1. The passage opened with Jesus' continued prayer for the disciples (and us). He's asking that we would be one, just as He and Father are one. Paul pointed out that Jesus knew unity would be an issue, even the disciples had differing ideologies that caused quarreling. Today we see the church arguing and dividing over many issues. Why do you think unity is such a struggle in the church? How would things in the church and in our communities be different if we all pursued and prayed for unity like Jesus did?...Would they be different? What can we do individually to foster an attitude of unity?
2. Paul made the point that sin is the threat to unity amongst believers. It started in the garden with the serpent sowing seeds of doubt about God and his goodness that very quickly turned into division. The big lie is, God's not only withholding good, but that Eve (or we) know what is good. That we know we take what we want, producing autonomy. What is the opposite of this behavior? How does taking what we want hurt others? Or does it? We can easily judge Eve for her disbelief and pursuit of what she thought was better, however, we've all behaved this way. In the spirit of transparency, If you're willing to share about a time you've believed a lie or took what you wanted - what did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about God?
3. Read the following verses together and discuss how we should behave towards one another. 2 Corinthians 13:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 13:3 & 10:24-25.
4. Do not mistake an echo chamber for Christian Community. Just as Adam needed Eve, we need diversity in all areas of life to grow and to better reflect the full image of God. Paul made the comment that unity is not conformity - we are doing things in the same direction, not necessarily in the same way. Do you put yourself in situations to listen to someone different than you? If not, what is preventing you? If so, what have you benefited?
5. Paul closed his sermon with the touching reminder that YOU are not only loved but wanted by Jesus. He wants to be with you! His desire is that we would be unified with our brothers and sisters and in doing so, we get to encounter the mystery and unity of the trinity. Have you ever considered this thought?...that Jesus wants to be with you? Read Rev. 21:1-7 together and spend time imagining, allowing the Spirit to fill you as you read and reflect on the future.