The Unlikely Disciple | John 19:38-42

Sermon discussion | John 19:38-42

  • Jeremy explained that Joseph and Nicodemus, both older men, come and do this task of caring for Jesus' body. It's a very kind and tender thing for these religious leaders to do, given their public position. They also bring very expensive and valuable items to use. Why do you think they gave Jesus a "kings' burial"? What would this really cost them (not necessarily financially)?

  • This is all happening on the heels of the sabbath. What is so important about the sabbath? Discuss with one another what you think the sabbath is. Is it still important for us today? (I would say, YES!) The sabbath when demonstrated by God in creation is a sign of a king who is resting on his throne. Jesus says "It is finished" on the cross on the day of preparation and then he rests. Discuss how those two are communicating the same image of kingship.

  • In the sermon, Joseph & Nicodemus were described as "secret" followers of Jesus - how does that sound to you? This quiet faith that is in the shadows compared with a bold faith. Read together and discuss, 1 Thes 4:11-12 and James 2:14-19.

  • Jeremy closed his message with 3 thoughts...

  • We have to proclaim reality. We have to make a claim that our faith is real as evidenced by our actions. Just as Joseph & Nicodemus do by their actions (Luke 23:50-51, John 7:50). What are some ways you proclaim the reality of your faith?

  • Reimagine failure - Joseph & Nicodemus spoke up and no one listened. Jeus was still killed. Speak even though it may fall on deaf ears. If you’re making people uncomfortable or you’ll lose - our culture says you shouldn’t say anything. Rather saying and doing the right thing is the way of the Christian. Talk about how death (death to self) can lead to resurrection. How is what the world calls losing, in the kingdom of God, is actually life giving.

  • Introduce Recreation - You are a new creation in Christ! Joseph and Nicodemus illustrate this as they take their secret faith and put it on display by treating Jesus as king. Jeremy made the comment that where Jesus was, so was the kingdom and as followers of Jesus, we too bring the kingdom to bear. Talk about how you bring the kingdom and how you've encountered others doing so. (For example: People working/loving as you would see Jesus do or as we will encounter in the new creation).

Summer Montoya