The Supremecy of Christ | Colossians 1:15-23

Sermon Discussion | Colossians 1:15-23

  1. Faith in Jesus alone is sufficient to change your don't have to go anywhere else for what you need, Jesus is sufficient. What other places do you go to find an identity? Practically speaking, how is Jesus sufficient for your life and how you live? Where might your identity be tied to something other than Jesus?

  2. Paul made the argument that all things are created by him and for him (vs. 1:16-17) And that we need to deal with the power and authority of Jesus. As you consider this thought, why or why not would it be important for us to really know and believe that he is the creator of all things (human and non human)? How does believing in him as the creator of all things affect the way we think about his power and authority? How does Jesus' power and authority functionally show up in your life (as you relate to others, to God, to yourself)?

  3. Read verses 1:21-23 - Paul made the comment that, "Disagreement with civility is not only possible, but it should be the way we show up in relationships." That we can completely disagree with others and still love them. Do you have people in your life you disagree with (policitally, religiously etc)? Are you able to love them with civility?...why or why not? If not, what would it take for you to love them?

  4. Paul asked the question, "Who is Jesus?", go around and share how you answer this question? Then, read Col. 1:15-23 and further discuss/reflect on your answers in light of this passage.

Summer Montoya