The Mystery of God | Colossians

Sermon Discussion | Colossians 1:24-2:5

  1. Paul is encouraging and telling the small church at Colosse that he has the mystery of the universe and hidden knowledge that everyone is seeking. The Mystery of God is being revealed in them and it’s not the temple building or some other place. He dwells in them and is with them in each other! Put yourself there with the small number of Jesus followers at the church, and you are hearing this information for the first time. How does this revelation from Paul make you feel? Are you confused, encouraged, more afraid? Discuss

  2. From prison, Paul is telling- no he is proclaiming- that it is his good pleasure to be there in jail because he is participating in the revealing of the mystery of God to those around him. How can you view all of life's circumstances like Paul does? How does it change a situation when you understand that no matter what, Christ in you is part of the mystery of God being revealed?

  3. How does the truth of Jesus dwelling in us change the lens with which you view everything? Think back to when your eyes were first opened to the truth, your heart was softened, talk about the first things that changed for you when you came to understand the presence of God in your heart. What looked different to you? sounded different to you? How has the lens changed the longer you walk with the Lord?

  4. Colossians 1:28-He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. Do you proclaim Jesus? Proclaim Him first in everything? There are so many other things that can get in the way or convolute our relationship with Jesus. What are some of the things that we proclaim before Jesus on a regular occurance and how we can encourage each other to always proclaim Him first?

  5. Read Proverbs 2:6. Discuss the differences between worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom.

Brett Osborne