Dealing with Doubt | John 20:24-31

Sermon discussion | John 20:24-29

Paul made the comment that with faith comes trials, which can lead to trust issues. We all desire what Thomas wanted, to believe. He needed to know and believe Jesus for himself and at the same time needed Jesus to help his unbelief. Thomas was okay with where he was, he didn't hide his confusion or desire for clarity. Can you share a time when you needed God to help your unbelief? Was it hard to be honest with yourself about where you were?...was it hard to be honest before God? Did you allow anyone else to know you were in a season of doubt?

In verse 25 Thomas says, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Let's use our imaginations for a moment, what do you think his tone was when saying this?...sincere?...skeptical? How do you think the other apostles reacted to this question? How would you? When those around you are struggling to believe for themselves, how do you recieve them?

In verses 26-27, the group is back together after a week and Jesus goes to Thomas. Jesus, shows him his hands, unbothered by his doubt. What are you seeing in Jesus' character in this moment? What is he teaching the disciples (and us) by how he engages with Thomas?

Paul made the point that faith in this moment becomes personal; Thomas is experiencing God personally. He went on to say that Jesus is revealed in community. As believers today, we experience both - a personal God and the people of God as the embodiment of Christ in the world. Talk about how you've experienced God personally and communally. Would there be a downside to only engaging with God in one of those contexts?...why or why not?

Summer Montoya