Staying Connected

Staying many times a day do you hear that? 

While I tire of it, I truly believe staying connected is important to our relationships and well being. Don't worry, this is not another suggestion to jump on a weekly zoom call with your group ;) - You're welcome.

However, we do want to help you stay connected as you see fit for your family and those in your community. Here are some (hopefully new) ideas to help you navigate the summer as you're thinking about how much or little your group will be connected.

  • Social media acts of kindness - Has God put someone on your heart? Post something special to their social media page. Let them know you're thinking of them.

  • Social fun - Have you heard of Marco Polo? It's an app on your phone that allows you to send short video messages to your friends and family and they respond to them. The ladies in my group have started a group polo, I have honestly never felt more connected to them! Houseparty is another fun app - it's a virtual hang out, where you play games like pictionary or trivia together or just chat. For Netflix lovers, they have released Netflix Party, where you can host a movie night with friends.

  • Book Club - Start a book club, meet regularly through Marco Polo, google hangout or zoom to chat about it.

  • Handwritten Notes - Rekindle the lost art of note writing! It's such a loving and personal touch these days and a way to involve your kids.

  • Circle up - If you're up for being out and socially safe, meet up for some real face time. I've done this a couple times with friends and I always leave feeling so refreshed! We meet in a centralized park and keep a safe distance while catching up.

We are so thankful for you and your loving service to our church family. We anxiously await the time when we can be together again!

Summer Montoya