Throne Room | Revelation 4-5

Sermon Discussion | Revelation 4-5

  1. Jeremy opened his sermon with the question, "Who is in charge of the world?" Otherwise said, who gets to decide how life works? Jeremy taught on the cultural context of the Roman empire at that time with their ceremonies, temples, thrones and declarations/worship of Domitian; which is a joke compared to the real throne room of God. As you think about our cultural context - where does culture knowingly or unknowingly "imitate" the real things? What places do we find worship of created things?...what are those things? Who gets to decide how the world works? 

  2. Read Ch 4. In 4:3 John does not describe God visibly on the throne, all that is said is it was like precious stones. This was a traditional way of evoking the splendor of a heavenly figure. Richard Baukham says this, "The unknowable transcendence of God is protected by focusing instead on the throne itself and what goes around it. It is in these features of the vision that what can be known of God is expressed." As you build a visual in your mind of the throne room, what do you imagine?...Who is there?...What are they doing? What do you learn about the presence of God? 

  3. Continuous worship is prominent in this vision. We are continuously reminded that true knowledge of who God is cannot be separated from the worship of God. What ways of worship do you see being demonstrated? What is this description of worship trying to do? As you (we) read this, how can we contextualize "continuous worship" in our everyday lives?

  4. Chapter 5 opens with John weeping at the idea that no one is worthy or able to set the world right. Who is worthy to break the seal? Does it seem a little odd that John would be in the midst of this vision and for a moment feel hopeless - do you get that sense? Do you think that John is trying to connect with the assumed hopeless feeling of those reading his letter? 

  5. Read ch 5 - Take note of what John is seeing & hearing. What stands out most to you? How does his seeing and hearing bring hope? Verses 5-8 seem to be the climax of chapter 5, how does this vision of a slain lamb bring to fruition all the promises of a savior? in verses 9-14 What hope is John trying to communicate here? 

*Weekly Practice*

We believe that it is good to not only know the Word of God, but allow it to shape the way we live. This week be intentional in offering worship to God. As we have seen, worship has been a response to good news! There are many ways you can offer yourself in worship; listening to or singing songs of gratitude, come before the Lord with the question, "What has been good news to me?" and offer prayers of thankfulness or write a letter or song to God expressing your love for him.

Summer Montoya