The Satisfying God Makes Creation New | Isaiah 55
Sermon Discussion | Isaiah 55
1. We close out our sermon series in Isaiah with an invitation to simply come - "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost." Isaiah 55:1. God goes on to ask Israel why they would spend money and labor on what does not satisfy them. He has offered them food and drink that will satisfy, it's free, just come! God has made the same offer to you. Have you received his invitation? Do you freely eat and drink out of his abundance? Do you listen and delight in him (his word)? If your answer is no, what is stopping you? Where have you been seeking delight and satisfaction?
2. We have an opportunity as God's people to be a light to the nations. In our day we might say, we have an opportunity to love our neighbors like Jesus would or demonstrate our faith through love and good deeds; all for the sake of those around us. Not so that we would be seen as something special, but the God we love and serve is and that is reflected in his people. In your life (home/work/neighborhood etc) what does it mean for you to reflect Christ? Who do you need to love like Jesus for their sake? What spiritual practice do you need to engage in to better see the needs of those around you?
3. Read Isaiah 55:6-9. Discuss the implications of God's patience and your personal agendas. Are you willing for God to be patient with you and not to others? Does verse 8-9 confront you, or your answer to the previous questions?
4. God is making a statement of how he works and his kingdom that is coming in verses 10-13. God is doing and operating on a level that we cannot perceive. God can do anything he wants to do, and what he wants to do, he will accomplish. Just as God is asking Israel to believe this, he is asking this to us today and we can experience verse 12 -13. As his kingdom comes to bear there will be a super bloom!..and we are invited to participate today. What does it mean to live in his kingdom today...not someday far off when we die, but right now? What excites you about this kingdom that has come and will come in completeness when Christ returns?
*Weekly Practice*
We believe that it is good to not only know the word of God but allow it to shape the way we live. This week, take some time to walk and be alone with the Lord. Reflect on the goodness he's shown you, his patience toward you and pray that as Easter approaches, the power of the cross would be renewed in your spirit.