Contentment | Luke 12:22-34
Sermon discussion | Luke 12
1. Secular humanism (Defined as: "A body of principles suitable for orienting a complete human life. As a secular lifestance, secular humanism incorporates the Enlightenment principle of individualism, which celebrates emancipating the individual from traditional controls by family, church, and state, increasingly empowering each of us to set the terms of his or her own life.) This thinking is prevalent in today's culture; the belief that we don't need God, we can "do it" on our own and our own way. Discuss why this way of living is dangerous to the individual and the community. Where is identity found in secular humanism?
2. Read verses 12:1-3, there is a warning against hypocrisy. Brian made the comment that we have an "inner" life and "outer" life; that our lives have become public in spaces like social media. Talk about how you understand the difference between the "inner" and "outer" life. We all have a proclivity to hide our "inner" self, why is that? What are ways that we need to "Guard against the yeast of the Pharisees"?
3. Secular humanism and hypocrisy lead to a cycle of self and discontentment; where life becomes all about me, accumulation of possessions and comfort. Is that the purpose of life? How has God created you for more? We all fall into the trap of believing the lie that more_____ (money, things, status, etc.) equals more life. What areas of your life have you believed this lie? What are ways we can push back against this lie in our lives and be content?
4. Read Luke 12:22-34. What are some observations about the character of God in this passage? According to this, how does the world work? What encourages you? What challenges you?
5. Luke 12:31 - Jesus says, "But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." And in Mark Jesus says, "The kingdom of God has come near". What does it mean to seek his kingdom? If his kingdom is here now, what does it look like to live in it? How can we participate in the life of the kingdom?
*Weekly practice*
This week, take time to consider the birds and the flowers, don't believe the lie of scarcity. Then each day, pray a prayer of gratitude (no petitions) thanking God for his abundance and provision as much as you can list. Come back next week and share what this practice of daily gratitude did for you.