Esther Ch. 5 | Wisdom

Sermon discussion | Esther Ch 5

Chapter 4 closes with the edict to annihilate the Jews going out. Mordecai has told Esther to reveal her true identity and beg the king for mercy! She is hesitant to do so at first because the king has not called for her in almost a month and she knows that going in to see him uninvited could lead to her death. Esther asks for all the Jews to fast for 3 days for her…and then she will go…if she dies, she dies.

Read chapter 5 together

1. 5:1-8 // Esther gets herself dressed and ready and goes to see the king. The king welcomes her and asks what he can do for her. She asks for the king and Haman to come to banquet. V4- who is him? Why a banquet for only the King and Haman? Why Haman who hates the Jews? During this banquet the king asks her again, "What is your petition?" And again she asks for a second banquet. Why a second? she losing her nerve? Jeremy suggested that perhaps Esther is "planting seeds" in the king's mind. After all, we have a violent, paranoid king that at any moment could have her Esther capitalizing on this behavior? 

2. 5:9-10 // Haman is in high spirits! What do you think Haman is thinking in all of this? Why is he so joyful? Compared with his feelings about Mordecai. Resentment. The reality is Haman has EVERYTHING going for him and yet this one person is like a pebble in his shoe. Rage, anger or resentment that has not been dealt with is dangerous…it will kill you. It's like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Is there someone in your life that you're currently holding resentment toward? Will you address it?...How will you deal with it? What does it mean to really forgive someone?

3. 5:11-13 // Haman goes home tipsy and throws a party about how great he is. Has Haman been blinded to reality by his fame and power? He can’t seem to have “total” satisfaction because of Mordecai. Is that relatable? What things blind us to reality? Where does total satisfaction come from? 

4. The chapter ends with what seems to be a doubling down of foolish behavior. Haman again is listening to outside voices for direction, one of which is his wife, she seems to be worse than he is! Who are the people you listen to? What tv/podcast/radio/media do you listen to for direction or wisdom? what ways are those people or environment's healthy? How can they be dangerous?

Summer Montoya