Esther Ch. 3 | Elimination

Sermon Discussion | Esther Ch. 3

1. Brian started his sermon talking about the imminent domain, the place or space where we can see and touch. Conversely, there is an unseen realm, one that we can't see. In the book of Esther there is no mention of God, only things discussed are those that are seen and touched; yet the book of Esther is about this transcendent God, one we don't see. This God is working through what appears to be coincidence and circumstance. Hebrews 11:1 reads, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see". How would you explain having assurance about the things unseen? As modern, scientific Americans - how do you understand this "unseen realm"? Is it difficult to see God working in coincidence/circumstances of your life? What is easier for you to believe, things seen or unseen?

2. Brian went on to talk about the difference between Daniel and Esther in their exilic behavior. Daniel would not give up his identity and Esther hides hers. Discuss the question Brian posed; is America our home, or are we built and designed for another home and this is just where we live? What is the difference in how you would live according to what you believe about your citizenship? What will be the things you value if America is your home?...What would you value if heaven is your home? What are the values of the kingdom of God?

3. Chapter 2 of Esther ends with Mordecai unveiling a plan to assassinate the king and gets no reward or honor for it, rather that gets written down and stored away. Chapter 3 opens with Mordecai's enemy, Haman (an Agagite), being promoted to the top! Mordecai will not bow to Haman which makes Haman furious to the point of wanting to kill all the Jews not just Mordecai. Read Esther 3:7-11. Is it strange that Haman doesn't name the Jews?..he just says, "A certain people..." What do you think of the king's behavior here? As we've discussed, the king seems to not care too much about the things that seem to be really important. Xerxes easily hands over his ring and by doing so his authority to Haman. What is God doing in this? 

4. Read the rest of chapter 3. The law goes out to kill all the Jews, in Persia there is no stopping it, the king himself could not reverse it. Haman is drinking and celebrating what is to come. And yet, destruction will come to Haman and life and victory will come to Mordecai. There is a God in an unseen realm working and doing. I'm sure Mordecai was scared of the things he could see, just like we can be in our circumstances. The call is then to look up, cast your eyes on the heavenly places where your father lives. When circumstances of your life are scary or overwhelming - are you able to lift your eyes?...How are you able to do so? Why can it be difficult? 

5. One day when the unseen realm becomes reality and we can live completely in the kingdom here on the earth, we will find real peace and real meaning. Our worth and desires are not bound up in earthly things. What do you most desire of the coming kingdom? What are things in your life you await God to put right? Can you think of things God has already done to bring the kingdom in you or your life?

Summer Montoya