Cosmic Battle | Revelation 12

Sermon discussion | Revelation 12 

For the past 11 chapters we've been seeing "behind the curtain" in heaven. John is leading us through his vision of things that are both happening and to come. Finally as we hit the middle of the book the villain and the real problem is revealed. The dragon.

1. The woman and the dragon. Jeremy pointed out that this sign (v1) of a pregnant woman is first seen as a picture of Israel. What was told in Joseph's dreams (Gen. 27) of a nation to come. God would bring about a people to be his agents or image bearers on earth. The dragon is a sign of the Satan (Satan is not a name, it just means accuser) the deceiver that leads the world astray. While this verse is using imagery to describe an actual evil being - some do not believe he is real. Do you believe he is a real, literal evil being? Does it matter if he is real?...why or why not? What are the dangers of discounting the satan as an actual being? 

2. Read Eph 6:10-12. Do you think Paul is being metaphorical? Discuss the implications of verse 12 with your answers from the questions above. If our fight is against "...rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." How do we battle? What would our "weapons" be?

3. In verses 4-6, is a kind of retelling of the broken shalom that God had intended for his good creation (v4) The birth of the savior and his safe placement with God on the throne. The protection of God's people as seen in the woman fleeing to the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God. Jeremy pointed out that we are living in an in-between time - where evil still exists in the world, but God is still working through and preserving his people. Where are places you see shalom being restored in your life and the world around you? Have you considered your part in bringing shalom to bear in your relationships and places around you? Why as a Christian would this be an important part of our salvation and calling? 

4. Read verses 12:7-9. War breaks out, a reflected reality of what's happened in heaven. The power of the accuser has been lost, he has been kicked out of heaven - he has no real power over you! Do you believe this? What are the things or times in life when you hear the accuser? What are the weapons you can use against that voice?

5. While Satan's attacks are futile, he is still bent on bringing down the people of God. As we read in verses 15-16, even death has no power, Christ has overcome the grave! Jeremy pointed out that Satan goes to battle against our bodies after he's lost the battle of our souls. Is the worst thing that could happen to God's people death? What are the lies that Satan has sewn about death? How could we see death as victory? Read 1John 4:4 and make some reflections.

Summer Montoya