Reflections from Seminary: Our Culture
One of the ideas we have been discussing in seminary that has been so helpful for me in how I think about the western world in which I (and you) live is the culture of consumerism. The spirit of consumerism has shaped and formed the culture of the west; It is a “religious” way of life. However, we were not always this way, in the early 19th century, the west was frugal and shaped by a puritan way. Excess production led to a convincing that we needed more; pump up consumption. If one pair of shoes is good, two pairs is even better, and so on it goes. Making consumption a way of life was the breakdown to frugality.
Now, the reality is we are not going back and I confess, I get swept up in it too. So how can I (we) live in this world and not be of this world? We should live against the idolatry that we see in chasing a consumerist lifestyle. While there is no one solution, we can be faithful to a way of life that both exposes the idols and doesn’t allow us to become angry or bitter. One way to battle this is to engage in the practices of spiritual formation. Have the attitude of gratitude which leads to less groaning and discontentment. Be generous, especially where it’s hard. Claiming that what you have is enough = a decision to be content. Practice being frugal, even though you can afford X - abstain from it.
Let me leave you with 1 Tim 6:18-19 to meditate on, “They are to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share, storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they make take hold of that which is truly life”. Let us find true life in living in the way of the kingdom.